JoinHealth - Spring welcome webinars
Maio - Junho 2021
Terças 14:30
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HCP | JoinHealth - Spring welcome webinars
O Health Cluster Portugal, em parceria com o EIT Health, está a organizar o segundo ciclo de webinars JoinHealth, desta vez a edição de primavera "JoinHealth – Spring welcome webinars", a decorrer durante os meses de maio e junho.
Nestes webinars de acesso gratuito, mas de registo obrigatório para toda a comunidade, abordar-se-ão temas como os:
- Interoperabilidade dos dados em saúde
- Investigação pré-clínica
- Vendas
- Cibersegurança
O formato incluirá uma componente expositiva e uma componente de partilha de experiências.
Webinar: Interoperabilidade dos Dados em Saúde
The need for interoperability and ways to move forward
Ricardo Correia, FMUP/HLTSYS/Chapter HL7
Chronic disease management platform: a case study from the HCP Smart Health network
Sara Caçador, HLTSYS and Pedro Duque, PLUX
Webinar: Investigação Pré-clínica
Non-animal models in biomedical research
Anna Olsson, i3S
Congento: a resource for pre-clinical investigation in complex diseases
Jocelyne Demengeot, CONGENTO
Webinar: Avaliação inicial de Tecnologias de Saúde
InnoStars - Early Health Technology Assessment initiative
Tamas Babel, EIT Health
Experiences with rapid early phase technology assessment for novel gynecology diagnostic system
Nimrod Lev, Gyntools
Principles of early phase health technology assessment - an overview for developers of medical technologies and digital health solutions
Zoltan Kalo, Syreon
ROSE: From research to innovation: a practical case of a telemedicine solution
João Quintas, IPN
Webinar: Vendas em Saúde
Sales in the Healthcare Industry
David Magboulé, LabtoMarket
Doing Marketing in Healthcare while being Regulated
Rui Magano, Pfizer
Setting up a sales team on a startup
Jorge Oliveira, Sioslife
Webinar: Value-Based Healthcare
What matters most
Christina Akerman, Chairperson of Advisory Board to EIT Health High Value Care Forum
What is the value of a digital telemonitoring service? A case study in cardiac surgery follow-up.
Ana Rita Londral, Value4Health CoLab
Patient Preference Elicitation: Methods and tools
João Bana e Costa, Decision Eyes
Webinar: Cibersegurança
COVID-19 and cybersecurity: finally, an opportunity to disrupt?
Ana Margarida Ferreira, CINTESIS/FMUP
Data is king. What about data privacy?
Francisco Maia, Safecloud
How to securely build digital health application
Bieke Van Gorp, Extra Horizon
Jo Van der Auwera, Extra Horizon
Mesa redonda
Webinar: Compra de Inovação em Saúde
Innovation as an procurement strategy?
Ricardo Bastos, CUF
Public procurement as an innovation instrument?
Alexandre Lourenço, CHUC
Webinar: Pilotagem de Soluções Digitais em Saúde
How Healthcare wins with Digital Twins
Saket Shukla, Siemens Healthineers
Fostering Innovation in Healthcare through partnerships
Carlos Parente, Siemens Healthineers Portugal
Operational research and decision support tools in health care: which role for improving health management?
Mónica Oliveira, Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa
Safety by default: connecting the dots in healthcare
Luis Patrão, UpHill
Mesa Redonda