HCP | CovidLearning for remote fast training actions in COVID-19

25 Setembro 2020
This project provides non-specialist doctors / nurses, interns, or other specialists, with skills and knowledge in clinical procedures related to COVID-19. The solution will use an existing e-learning platform to which all doctors and nurses will have access. The contents will be produced by a scholarship of doctors / nurses specialized in COVID-19 and based on the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health (DGS) guidelines.
This project is integrated in a set of actions of the HCP, through its thematic network Smart Health Network, to respond to the pandemic. This and other projects, which are already being developed, involve start-ups and national companies, international partners, R&D institutions and hospitals.
The objective is to support the effort and dedication of healthcare professionals in combating COVID-19 by using the know-how, experience and knowledge of HCP associates in the fields of medical technologies and digital health.
iCognitus, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto/Cintesis, Association P5 Digital Medical Center (ACMP5) and Life and Health Sciences Researche Institute (ICVS Braga)